About us

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About Company:

Yaya's tomorrow land is a small clay handicraft studio that has been established for 2 years so far. Main handmade art sales.

The overall style is mainly comfortable and warm Japanese style, with fresh and natural color matching, which has been loved by many customers. In the near future, the offline teaching business will be expanded, with the goal of small classes, small quantity and high quality, hoping to cultivate more people to love and join the handicraft industry.

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Yaya wants to say:

This is a place formed because of dreams and love, and it can attract like-minded friends. Here, everyone puts aside the daily chores and troubles and just concentrates on the work. The small clay changes countless possibilities in the slow passage of time and finally becomes the shape in your hands. Don't care more about if it's perfect or compares. Just enjoy the process!

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Latest News

We have recently cooperated with some handmade bazaars to carry out many offline activities. There will be some limited products on sale during the event. Everyone is welcome to come and play! The next event location is XXX. There will also be a clay experience class at that time. Friends who have not tried it, come and experience it!

Our Partner

We have a small team of cats who are friendly, clingy, and intelligent. Since the studio's establishment, they have established a deep relationship with our members. I think if you've seen them, you'll love them. Of course, if you are allergic to cats, you must prepare in advance!

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Miumiu is a quiet cat and the oldest of them all. You usually have a hard time seeing her, and if she's willing to come out and let you pet her, that's the biggest bonus in the studio.

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Maple is a lively boy who is always ready to play. Likewise, he is very friendly with everyone, even patient with children. However, be careful, he may leave his mark on your work.

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Simba is a big head that looks like a little lion, you don't have to be afraid, he is the gentlest giant. He knows when he should show up and when he shouldn't bother you. He eats a lot, so give him a treat when you have time!